ADHD and Mental Health
Certain mood disorders tend to affect women with ADHD more than men with ADHD.
ADHD and Mental Health

Women with ADHD hyperactive impulsive symptoms have a greater association with self-harming behaviours. They are also at higher risk of greater mental health impairment, severe mental illness such as schizophrenia, and admissions to in-patient psychiatric hospitals.
It is common for adults with ADHD to be treated for anxiety or depression before being diagnosed with ADHD. Depression symptoms can delay the diagnosis of ADHD in women because they are considered the primary symptoms, and ADHD symptoms may go unnoticed.
Women with undiagnosed ADHD have a greater frequency of smoking. Smoking increases dopamine levels in the brain, and women with untreated ADHD and depression tend to have lower dopamine levels.
It is important to inform your health care provider of your history of symptoms as it may help them better understand whether your symptoms are related to a mental health disorder or ADHD.
Trouble Sleeping with ADHD?
Sleep-related problems in ADHD, such as finding it harder to fall asleep, are common. Some medicines used to treat ADHD symptoms may contribute to the issue.
Why you shouldn’t take it lying downUnderstand Your Options
When you have ADHD, learning about the different treatment options and resources available is an important step in figuring out a treatment plan that’s right for you.
Take steps to make a planNeed Help Talking to Your Doctor about ADHD?
Are you reviewing a current ADHD treatment plan, or exploring a possible ADHD diagnosis for the first time? Our Doctor Discussion Guides can help you get the conversation started.
Doctor Discussion Guides